Saturday, 31 December 2011
Prophetic advice
1. Refrain from sleeping between Subah and Ishraq; Asr and Maghrib; Maghrib and Isha
2. Avoid sitting with stingy people
3. Don’t sleep between people who sit
4. Don’t eat and drink with your left hand
5. Don’t eat those food you have taken out between your teeth
6. Don’t break your knuckles
7. Don’t look at the mirror in the night
8. Don’t look at the sky while in salaath
9. Don’t spit in the toilet
10. Don’t clean your teeth with charcoal
11. Sit and wear your trousers
12. Don’t break tough things with your teeth
13. Don’t blow on your food when it’s hot
14. Don’t look for faults of others
15. Don’t talk between iqamath and azan
16. Don’t speak in the toilet
17. Don’t speak tales about your friends
18. Don’t antagonize your friends
19. Don’t look behind frequently while walking
20. Don’t stamp your feet while walking
21. Don’t be suspicious about your friends
22. Don’t speak lies at anytime
23. Don’t smell and eat
24. Speak clearly so others can understand
25. Avoid traveling alone
26. Don’t decide on your own but consult others who know
27. Don’t be proud of yourself
28. Don’t be sad about your food
29. Don’t boast
30. Don’t chase the beggars
31. Treat your guests well with good heart
32. Be patient when in poverty
33. Assist a good cause
34. Think of your faults and repent
35. Do good to those who do bad to you
36. Be satisfied with what you have
37. Don’t sleep too much- it will cause forgetfulness
38. Repent at least 100 times a day (Astagfaar)
39. Don’t eat in darkness
40. Don’t eat mouthful
1. Refrain from sleeping between Subah and Ishraq; Asr and Maghrib; Maghrib and Isha
2. Avoid sitting with stingy people
3. Don’t sleep between people who sit
4. Don’t eat and drink with your left hand
5. Don’t eat those food you have taken out between your teeth
6. Don’t break your knuckles
7. Don’t look at the mirror in the night
8. Don’t look at the sky while in salaath
9. Don’t spit in the toilet
10. Don’t clean your teeth with charcoal
11. Sit and wear your trousers
12. Don’t break tough things with your teeth
13. Don’t blow on your food when it’s hot
14. Don’t look for faults of others
15. Don’t talk between iqamath and azan
16. Don’t speak in the toilet
17. Don’t speak tales about your friends
18. Don’t antagonize your friends
19. Don’t look behind frequently while walking
20. Don’t stamp your feet while walking
21. Don’t be suspicious about your friends
22. Don’t speak lies at anytime
23. Don’t smell and eat
24. Speak clearly so others can understand
25. Avoid traveling alone
26. Don’t decide on your own but consult others who know
27. Don’t be proud of yourself
28. Don’t be sad about your food
29. Don’t boast
30. Don’t chase the beggars
31. Treat your guests well with good heart
32. Be patient when in poverty
33. Assist a good cause
34. Think of your faults and repent
35. Do good to those who do bad to you
36. Be satisfied with what you have
37. Don’t sleep too much- it will cause forgetfulness
38. Repent at least 100 times a day (Astagfaar)
39. Don’t eat in darkness
40. Don’t eat mouthful
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
no God but Allah
Indeed, I am Allah . There is no deity except Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance.
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Day of Judgment.
Belief in the Day of Judgment, or Al Qiyamah, is compulsory on all Muslims, with the concept being part of the six articles of faith.
It is the Day in which Allah will resurrect all of mankind who had ever lived on the Earth to judge them by their deeds and assign for them Paradise or the Hellfire.
The people will be gathered on a featureless, flat expanse of ground and the sun will be so near that some people will be submerged in their own sweat, the level of which depends on how evil or good they were during their life on Earth.
Muslims are urged to prepare for this Day by following as closely as they can the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) and worshipping no one but Allah.
Some important aspects of the Day of Judgment include:
- Surety – Muslims must believe that this Day will occur. As Allah says in the Quran, Surah Al Hud, verse 103: “In that is a Sign for those who fear the penalty of the Hereafter: that is a Day for which mankind will be gathered together: that will be a Day of Testimony. Nor shall We delay it but for a term appointed.”
- Time – no one knows when the Day of Judgment will be, not even the Prophet or the Angel Jibreel (Gabriel), as mentioned in a narration in which the Angel asked Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) when the Hour was, and the Prophet replied: “The person being asked has as much knowledge about this as the one asking.”
- Major sign – there are many signs that point to the Day of Judgment, and one of the biggest signs is the rising of the sun in the west. Once this happens, Allah will no longer accept any prayers. For those who disbelieved, they will see for real what they had disbelieved in.
- Start – the Day of Judgment will start when the Angel Israfil blows the horn.
Sunday, 25 December 2011
True Muslim
Abu Huraira narrated that the messenger of Allah said;
"Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day either speak the good or keep silent, and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his neighbors, and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his guest".
Fear Allaah
On the authority of Abu Dhar Jundub bin Junadah, and Muadh bin Jabal, that the messenger of Allah said;
"Fear Allah wherever you are, and follow up a bad deed with a good one and it will wipe it out, and behave well towards people"
Tirmithi narrated the hadith.
Allah's messenger says;
Narrated Jarir bin Abdullah:
I gave the pledge of allegiance to Allah's Apostle for the following:
1. offer prayers perfectly
2. pay the Zakat (obligatory charity)
3. and be sincere and true to every Muslim.
Narrated Anas:
Allah's Apostle said, "From among the portents of the Hour are (the following):
1. Religious knowledge will be taken away (by the death of Religious learned men).
2. (Religious) ignorance will prevail.
3. Drinking of Alcoholic drinks (will be very common).
4. There will be prevalence of open illegal sexual intercourse.
Simple Hadith
Narrated Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas:
Allah's Apostle said, "You will be rewarded for whatever you spend for Allah's sake even if it were a morsel which you put in your wife's mouth."
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Short Hadith
Narrated Anas:
The Prophet said, "Whoever possesses the following three qualities will have the sweetness (delight) of faith:
1. The one to whom Allah and His Apostle becomes dearer than anything else.
2. Who loves a person and he loves him only for Allah's sake.
3. Who hates to revert to Atheism (disbelief) as he hates to be thrown into the fire."
Friday, 23 December 2011
All Muslims are Brothers to One-another...
A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim. He neither oppresses him nor humiliates him nor looks down upon him. Piety is here - and he pointed to his chest three times. It is evil enough for a Muslim to hold his brother Muslim in contempt. All things of a Muslim are inviolable for another Muslim: his blood, his property and his honour."
Thursday, 22 December 2011
Surah Al-Fatiha
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful (1)
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, (2) The Beneficent, the Merciful. (3) Owner of the Day of Judgment, (4) Thee (alone) we worship; Thee (alone) we ask for help. (5) Show us the straight path, (6) The path of those whom Thou hast favoured. Not (the path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray. (7)
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
"Allah (glorified and exalted be He) said:'I am so self-sufficient that I am in no need of having an associate. Thus he who does an action for someone else's sake as well as Mine will have that action renounced by Me to him whom he associated with Me."
[Muslim (also by Ibn Majah).]
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), who said:
"Allah (mighty and sublime be He) says:
'The first of his actions for which a servant of Allah will be held accountable on the Day of Resurrection will be his prayers.' If they are in order, then he will have prospered and succeeded; and if they are wanting, then he will have failed and lost. If there is something defective in his obligatory prayers, the Lord (glorified and exalted be He) will say: 'See if My servant has any supererogatory prayers with which may be completed that which was defective in his obligatory prayers.' Then the rest of his actions will be judged in like fashion."
Monday, 19 December 2011
Are You Prepared for Death?
Death is like a journey to a land from which there is no return. So before you die, be sure to pack three things to take along with you on the journey:
Proper identification (I.D.) [Book of Record of a Person's Life]
This covers two very important categories:
Faith (belief)
Actions (deeds)
They must both be correct to insure an easy transition into the Next Life and a proper place in the Paradise in the Hereafter.
Enough nourishment to last for Eternity
Sufficient garments or coverings
Read more from;
Sunday, 18 December 2011
Oh You who listen to Music
O Muslim, lawful things have good attributes,
Where is the good in singing, dancing and listening to flutes?
Can we compare the words of singers and sounds of Musicians,
To the Glorious Quran, its lessons, wisdoms and admonitions?
How many singers do you know and give admiration,
And how many do you know of the companions and the following generation?
How much do you spend on singers from your dollars?
Compared to how much you know of Islamic Scholars.
Do you see how much is memorized of Music songs?
While you ignore the book to which memorization belongs?
How much do you memorize of these incantations?
And swayed back and forth in intoxication?
Have you not seen those who follow the misguided?
And increase the loudness of the Music, when they should hide it?
And who writes their songs? Thinkers, or men of academia?
Or maybe scholars, like Ahmad, Malik or maybe ibn Taymiyah.
Oh you who listen to music
Don't you see that all the songs of the world and all the lyrics you've seen,
Wouldn't compare in reward to Alif Laam Meem
Lecture called "The End of Music" by Kamal El-Makki
Where is the good in singing, dancing and listening to flutes?
Can we compare the words of singers and sounds of Musicians,
To the Glorious Quran, its lessons, wisdoms and admonitions?
How many singers do you know and give admiration,
And how many do you know of the companions and the following generation?
How much do you spend on singers from your dollars?
Compared to how much you know of Islamic Scholars.
Do you see how much is memorized of Music songs?
While you ignore the book to which memorization belongs?
How much do you memorize of these incantations?
And swayed back and forth in intoxication?
Have you not seen those who follow the misguided?
And increase the loudness of the Music, when they should hide it?
And who writes their songs? Thinkers, or men of academia?
Or maybe scholars, like Ahmad, Malik or maybe ibn Taymiyah.
Oh you who listen to music
Don't you see that all the songs of the world and all the lyrics you've seen,
Wouldn't compare in reward to Alif Laam Meem
Lecture called "The End of Music" by Kamal El-Makki
Saturday, 17 December 2011
Upon Seeing A Good Dream Or A Bad Dream.
The righteous dream is from Allaah and the bad dream is from the devil, so if anyone sees something which pleases him then he should only relate it to one whom he loves..
Summary of what to do upon having a bad dream;
- Spit on your left three times
- Seek refuge in Allaah from shaytan and the evil of what you saw
- Do not relate it to anyone
- Turn and sleep on the opposite side to which you were sleeping on previously
- Get up and pray if you desire.
Friday, 16 December 2011
When we will be asked about our youth? Will we say the things we done truth? Will our diplomas and degrees come in use? Or will they bring us bad news?We blanked Islam for education- and got in to the non-Islamic generation. The friends we trusted- with whom we had fun, stopped us from entering the gates of heaven. The requirements are simple, the reward is high - be prepared, think well before you die. A garden of paradise or a pit of hell- the choice is yours! So think well! Sacrifice your short journey here- for in the hereafter you will have no fear. Two shoes of boiling fire he will wear- his brain will melt, his body will tear. The person will scream and will not know- this is only the lowest punishment, Allah will give. Day by day as our life decreases- day by day as our sins increase. Day by day as our deeds change into sins-another day the shaytan wins. For on that day when we’ll be scaled! Think- will we win or will we fail? May Allah save us all, Ameen.
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Simple Rules In Islam.
“Obey Allah and Allah will reward you.”
“If you are shameless, you would do as you wish.”
“Make sure your food is good (halaal and bought with halaal earnings), and you will be one whose prayers are answered.”
“Fear Allah wherever you may be.”
“Follow up a bad deed with a good deed, to waive it out.”
“Mix with people with a good attitude.”
“If you are shameless, you would do as you wish.”
“Make sure your food is good (halaal and bought with halaal earnings), and you will be one whose prayers are answered.”
“Fear Allah wherever you may be.”
“Follow up a bad deed with a good deed, to waive it out.”
“Mix with people with a good attitude.”
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
No Muslim Should Curse His Parents.
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr: Allah's Apostle said. "It is one of the greatest sins that a man should curse his parents." It was asked (by the people), "O Allah's Apostle! How does a man curse his parents?" The Prophet said, "'The man abuses the father of another man and the latter abuses the father of the former and abuses his mother."
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Allah's Apostle said, "Fasting is a shield (or a screen or a shelter). So, the person observing fasting should avoid sexual relation with his wife and should not behave foolishly and impudently, and if somebody fights with him or abuses him, he should tell him twice, 'I am fasting." The Prophet added, "By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, the smell coming out from the mouth of a fasting person is better in the sight of Allah than the smell of musk. (Allah says about the fasting person), 'He has left his food, drink and desires for My sake. The fast is for Me. So I will reward (the fasting person) for it and the reward of good deeds is multiplied ten times."
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Monday, 12 December 2011
Never Deny Allah.
Don't Be Arrogant and just because God has given you everything you need deny him all together And do not be cowards either just because God has tested you with some trials and you deny his existence because something bad has happened to You.. Because Allah swt is in control of everything not you.
Lecture By Khalid Yasin (God bless him) Amin.. here is a link for the video for the video;
Lecture By Khalid Yasin (God bless him) Amin.. here is a link for the video for the video;
Sunday, 11 December 2011
"Each person's every joint must perform a charity
"Each person's every joint must perform a charity every day the sun comes up : to act justly between two people is a charity; to help a man with his mount, lifting him onto it or hoisting up his belongings onto it is a charity: a good word is a charity, every step you take to prayers is a charity and removing a harmful thing from the road is a charity." Narrated by Abu Hurairah
Saturday, 10 December 2011
The Five Pillars Of Islam
"Islam has been built on five [pillars]: testifying that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, performing the prayers, paying the zakat, making the pilgrimage to the House, and fasting in Ramadan."
May Allah help us :) ameen..
May Allah help us :) ameen..
Friday, 9 December 2011
A Letter From Satan
I saw you yesterday as you began your daily chores. You awoke without stopping to pray.
As a matter of fact, you didn't even bless your meals, or pray before going to bed last night. You are so unthankful, I like that about you. I cannot tell you how glad I am that you have not changed your way of living, Fool, you are mine.
Remember, you and I have been going steady for years, and I still don't love you yet. As a matter of fact, I hate you, because I hate God. I am only using you to get even with God. He kicked me out of heaven, and I'm going to use you as long as possible to pay him back. You see, Fool, GOD LOVES YOU and HE has great plans in store for you. But you have yielded your life to me and I'm going to make your life a living hell. That way we'll be together twice. This will really hurt God. Thanks to you.
I'm really showing Him who's boss in your life. With all of the good times we've had .. We have been watching dirty movies, cursing people, out partying, stealing, lying, being hypocritical, indulging in fornication, overeating, telling dirty jokes, gossiping, back stabbing people, disrespecting adults and those in leadership position, NO respect for the mosque, bad attitudes: SURELY you don't want to give all this up.
Come on, Fool, let's burn together forever. I've got some hot plans for us. This is just a letter of appreciation from me to you. I'd like to say "THANKS" for letting me use you for most of your foolish life. You are so gullible, I laugh at you. When you are tempted to sin, you give in HA HA HA, you make me sick. Sin is beginning to take its toll on your life. You look 20 years older, I need new blood. So go ahead and teach some children how to sin.
All you have to do is smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, cheat, gamble, gossip, fornicate, and listen to and dance to the top 10 jams. Do all of this in the presence of children and they will do it too. Kids are like that. Well, Fool, I have to let you go for now. I'll be back in a couple of seconds to tempt you again. If you were smart, you would run somewhere, confess your sins, ask forgiveness from Him, live for God with what little bit of life that you have left. It's not my nature to warn anyone, but to be your age and still sinning, it's becoming a bit ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, I still hate you...... IT'S JUST THAT YOU'D MAKE A BETTER FOOL FOR GOD.
Quran [14:22] : " And Satan will say when the matter is decided ( The Disbelievers entered the hell ) : "It was Allah Who gave you a promise of Truth: I too promised, but I failed in my promise to you. I had no authority over you except to call you but ye listened to me: then reproach not me, but reproach your own souls. I cannot listen to your cries, nor can ye listen to mine. I reject your former act in associating me with Allah. For wrong-doers there must be a grievous penalty."
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Short And Very Important
The Prophet (SAW) has Said “ I am a
guarantor of a house in on the Outskirt of
Jannah for one Who abandons arguing
even if he is right;
And a House in the center of jannah for
one who abandons lying even if he is
joking ;
And a house in the highest place of jannah
for one who has good manners”.
(Abu Umamah {RA})
guarantor of a house in on the Outskirt of
Jannah for one Who abandons arguing
even if he is right;
And a House in the center of jannah for
one who abandons lying even if he is
joking ;
And a house in the highest place of jannah
for one who has good manners”.
(Abu Umamah {RA})
Juma is Farz-e-Ain meaning obligatory on all individuals. It's obligation is more important than Zohr and those who reject it is a Kafir [Durr-e-Mukhtar, etc.]. It is quoted in the Hadith that those who miss three Jumas has thrown Islam behind them, and he is a hypocrite and is disassociated from Allah [Ibne-Khuzaima, Imam Shafaee].
Town means a place which has many streets and a shopping centre or markets etc. It also has a district and villages belonging to that district. There must also be a judge or mayor belonging to it whom by his power or authority can ensure people go on trial and justice is upheld, even though he may himself be injustice or does not uphold the law. Outskirts of town mean them places which are constructed because of the town, such as a cemetery, stables for horses, barracks for the army and courts and these are on the outskirts of the town to give service to the town and Juma is allowed there. Therefore the Juma should be either prayed in the city or town or the outskirts of the town, it is not allowed in the villages [Guniya, Bahar-e-Shariat]. Rule: For the town, it's judge or mayor needs to reside there and if he travels and goes elsewhere that place visited will not become a town and the Juma would not be allowed there [Radd-ul-Mohtar, Bahar-e-Shariat]. Rule: If a person who lives in a village goes to a town and intends to stay there that day then the Juma is Farz for them.
Multiple places in a town where Juma can be prayed
There is a very important point that people have not been paying attention to and have been treating Juma like other normal Namaz and whoever wishes has started a new Juma and whoever wishes they have lead it, this is not allowed, because leading the Juma is the duty of the king of Islam or his deputies and wherever there is not Islamic rule then the highest qualified scholar who is from the correct faith of Ahl-e-Sunnat Wa Jamaat is the person who substitutes the Sultan of Islam and ensures that the rules of Islamic law are followed should lead the Juma, and without his permission the Juma cannot be performed. If this is not possible then the person who people choose as their Imam has to lead the Juma prayers. Also whilst the majority of people being present some of them cannot make a person an Imam or four people decide on an Imam, this type of Juma is not proven anywhere [Bahar-e-Shariat].
Second Condition - King or leader
Leader means a Sultan of Islam or his deputy whom the Sultan has given authority to lead the Juma prayers. Even if the Sultan is a ferocious person or a good person he can lead the prayers. If a person has forced himself into power and according to Shariat he has no right of becoming an Imam, such as he is not a Qureshi or does not fulfil any other condition he can still call for juma prayer [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Radd-ul-Mohtar etc.].
Third condition - Time
The time of Juma is the time of Zohr, meaning the Juma should be prayed in the time that Zohr is prayed and if in Juma Namaz you got upto praying Attahiyat and the time of Asr started then the Juma Namaz becomes void and you would have to pray the Qaza of Zohr.
Fourth Condition - Khutba (Speech)
What is known as a Khutba
Rule: The things that are Sunnat in the Khutba is;It is better to start the Second Khutba like this:
Except for the Imam there must be at least another three men, otherwise the Juma will not count [Hidaya, Shareh Wiqaya, Alamgiri, Qazi Khan].
This means that the doors of the mosque are opened so that anyone wishing could attend the Juma, no-one must be stopped or prevented. If in a major Mosque (Jamia Mosque) when everyone gathers, the doors were locked behind then the Juma will not count [Alamgiri].
For more information about this, goto thank you :) God bless you, amin.
- Rule: To pray Juma there are six conditions and if one of these is not fulfilled then the Juma will not count.
- Town or outskirts of town
- Leadership (King)
- Time of Zohr
- Khutba - (Speech)
- Jamaat
- Acceptance by majority.
Town means a place which has many streets and a shopping centre or markets etc. It also has a district and villages belonging to that district. There must also be a judge or mayor belonging to it whom by his power or authority can ensure people go on trial and justice is upheld, even though he may himself be injustice or does not uphold the law. Outskirts of town mean them places which are constructed because of the town, such as a cemetery, stables for horses, barracks for the army and courts and these are on the outskirts of the town to give service to the town and Juma is allowed there. Therefore the Juma should be either prayed in the city or town or the outskirts of the town, it is not allowed in the villages [Guniya, Bahar-e-Shariat]. Rule: For the town, it's judge or mayor needs to reside there and if he travels and goes elsewhere that place visited will not become a town and the Juma would not be allowed there [Radd-ul-Mohtar, Bahar-e-Shariat]. Rule: If a person who lives in a village goes to a town and intends to stay there that day then the Juma is Farz for them.
Multiple places in a town where Juma can be prayed
- Rule: Juma can be performed in a town in multiple locations and anywhere within the town, whether the town is large or small and the Juma can be in two Mosques or more [Durr-e-Mukhtar etc.]. However, without reason Juma should not be prayed in many different locations because Juma is a sign of Islam and is a congregation of all Jamaats and if it is spread about in different Mosques then the same show does not remain as you would get in one large gathering and it is because of the sign of all Muslims uniting that it has been allowed and so the gathering should not be split and a Juma should not be done in every street or area unnecessarily.
There is a very important point that people have not been paying attention to and have been treating Juma like other normal Namaz and whoever wishes has started a new Juma and whoever wishes they have lead it, this is not allowed, because leading the Juma is the duty of the king of Islam or his deputies and wherever there is not Islamic rule then the highest qualified scholar who is from the correct faith of Ahl-e-Sunnat Wa Jamaat is the person who substitutes the Sultan of Islam and ensures that the rules of Islamic law are followed should lead the Juma, and without his permission the Juma cannot be performed. If this is not possible then the person who people choose as their Imam has to lead the Juma prayers. Also whilst the majority of people being present some of them cannot make a person an Imam or four people decide on an Imam, this type of Juma is not proven anywhere [Bahar-e-Shariat].
Second Condition - King or leader
Leader means a Sultan of Islam or his deputy whom the Sultan has given authority to lead the Juma prayers. Even if the Sultan is a ferocious person or a good person he can lead the prayers. If a person has forced himself into power and according to Shariat he has no right of becoming an Imam, such as he is not a Qureshi or does not fulfil any other condition he can still call for juma prayer [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Radd-ul-Mohtar etc.].
Third condition - Time
The time of Juma is the time of Zohr, meaning the Juma should be prayed in the time that Zohr is prayed and if in Juma Namaz you got upto praying Attahiyat and the time of Asr started then the Juma Namaz becomes void and you would have to pray the Qaza of Zohr.
Fourth Condition - Khutba (Speech)
- Rule: The condition for the Khutba of Juma is that it is done within the time and is done before the Juma Namaz. It must be performed in front of such a Jamaat which is necessary for Juma and that is a minimum of three men except for the person performing the Khutba. It should be so loud that the people nearby can hear it and if this is not the case or the Khutba is prayed before midday or after the Namaz or prayed alone or prayed in front of women or children then in all these situations the Juma will not count.
- Rule: If between the Khutba and Namaz there is a big gap then that Khutba would not be sufficient [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Bahar-e-Shariat].
What is known as a Khutba
- Rule: Khutba is the remembrance of Allah and therefore even if once 'Alhamdo Lillahi' or 'Subhanallahi'or 'La ila Ha illallah' is prayed, then the Farz would be fulfilled, but to make the Khutba that short is Makrooh [Durr-e-Mukhtar etc.].
- Rule: It is Sunnat to pray two Khutbas and they should not be very long and if they both together are longer than 'Tawal-e-Mufassal' then it is Makrooh especially in the winter [Guniya, Durr-e-Mukhtar, Bahar].
Rule: The things that are Sunnat in the Khutba is;
- The Khateeb (person praying the Khutba) to be clean and stood up.
- Before the Khutba the Khateeb to be sat down.
- The Khateeb to be stood on the Mimbar facing the audience and with his back towards the Qibla.
- The audience to be paying attention to the Imam.
- To pray 'A'oozubillah' quietly before the Khutba.
- To pray with your own voice so loud that the people can hear.
- To start with 'Alhamdo'.
- To praise Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala.
- To bear witness of Allah's monotheism and to bear witness the prophet-hood of the Holy Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam.
- To send the Holy Prophet Durood.
- To pray at least one verse of the Holy Quran.
- In the first Khutba to be words of guidance and advice and in the second Khutba to contain praise and witness and to repeat the Durood and to pray for other Muslims.
- Both Khutbas to be light.
- To sit between the two Khutbas for a length of three verses.
- It is Mustahhab to lower the voice for the second Khutba slightly less than the first one and to remember the great Sahhabis and Hazrat Hamza and Hazrat Abbas Radi Allaho Ta'ala Anhum.
"Alhamdo Lillahi Nahmadaho Wa Nasta'eenuhu Wa Nastaghfiruhu Wanu'Minu Bihi Wanatawakkalu Alaihi Wa Na'uzubillahi Min Shururi Anfusina Wa Min Sayyi Aati A'malina Mayyahdihillahu Fala Mudillalah Wamayyudlillhu Falaa Haadiyalah Wanash Hadu An La ilaha illallahu Wahdahu La Sharika Lahu Wa Nash Hadu Anna Sayyadina Wa Maulana Muhammadan Abduhu Wa Rasooluh"
If a person is in front of the Imam then he should face the Imam and if he is either on his left or right side then he should turn towards the Imam. It is better to be close to the Imam, however, it is not allowed to cross other people's necks to get there. Although if the Imam has not yet stood up for the Khutba and there is space near the front then it is allowed to go there and if the Imam has already started the Khutba and you then enter the Mosque, then you should sit in the nearest space or corner available. You should sit whilst listening to the Khutba as you sit in Qaidah in Namaz [Alamgiri, Durr-e-Mukhtar, Guniya and Bahar].- Rule: To praise and exalt a king of Islam which he does not acquire is Haram, for example to call him 'the one who owns people's lives' etc. because this is a lie and is Haram [Durr-e-Mukhtar].
- Rule: Not to pray a verse of the Quran in the Khutba or not to sit between two Khutbas or for the Khateeb to speak whist praying the Khutba is Makrooh. However, if the Khateeb promoted good or forbid evil then there is no harm [Alamgiri, Bahar].
- Rule: To pray the Khutba in another language except Arabic or to mix another language with Arabic is against the Sunnat and is not preferred. Also poetry should not be prayed in the Khutba even if it is in the Arabic language. If the a couple of verses of poetry is said which is about advice and is prayed sometimes then there is no harm [Bahar-e-Shahat].
Except for the Imam there must be at least another three men, otherwise the Juma will not count [Hidaya, Shareh Wiqaya, Alamgiri, Qazi Khan].
- Rule: If there are three servants or three travellers or ill people or uneducated or dumb Muqtadees then the Juma will still count. If there are only women or children present then the Juma will not count [Alamgiri, Radd-ul-Mohtar].
This means that the doors of the mosque are opened so that anyone wishing could attend the Juma, no-one must be stopped or prevented. If in a major Mosque (Jamia Mosque) when everyone gathers, the doors were locked behind then the Juma will not count [Alamgiri].
- Rule: If women are prevented from coming into the Mosque then it won't be against accepting all, as if they came there would be fear of trouble [Radd-ul-Mohtar].
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